Tuesday, January 16, 2007


A new website, wikileaks, has pretty huge ambitions. The site, which visions itself to be a resource for bringing unclassified government documents of all nations to light, has the idea that it "may become the most powerful "intelligence agency" on earth -- an intelligence agency of the people." The site's FAQ explains that this site, run by 22 people, is born out of the Chinese dissident community. While the launch is set for sometime in February or March, there's already a media buzz. The interface is familiar, though there seems to be some elements to be worked out (for example: in order to download the sample leaked document, you're going to have to unzip a few files and save to your hard drive). In any case, with articles in the Post and the folks over at Secrecy News commenting, this is a site to keep on your watch list for the near future.

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